Storing Up Treasures In Heaven


A few years ago, my wife’s uncle passed away. Though the time has passed quickly, one thing remains in my mind and that is that the day he passed I thought about everything he left behind. He didn’t take his car, his clothes, his house, not even his own body. I am a firm believer that we live eternally after death, so the thought came to mind that he didn’t take anything with him other than his own soul to eternity.

There is a Bible scripture that comes to mind when I think about treasures: “Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (Matthew 6:19-21) (AMP) How many of us find ourselves in this holiday season again thinking about the gifts we will be buying and the things we will be receiving? The thought of my wife’s uncle brought me to thinking about the true purpose of life and the treasures we dare call our possessions.

Many people have placed their whole trust and life on the material possessions that surround them in their homes. The saying is true that we have placed emotions on these material possessions that have no emotions. We have attached our whole being to things that will one day rust away, that will stay behind on this earth the moment our souls take that journey unto the unknown, unto what is eternity. Will that new iPhone be with us in eternity? Will we take with us that car that we declare to others that we are deeply in love with? I am afraid the answer is no.

The truth is all that we have as material possessions in this world are not worth the countless hours spent in line on black Friday waiting to get our hands on. The truth is that we are teaching our children that our possessions have more significance then building memories that will last forever with them. I am sure my wife’s uncle on his death bed was not thinking about the money he had in the bank, or that huge house that would stay behind, but his mind was set on the peace he had knowing that he was ready to meet his maker.

So where are we storing treasures up today, is it in heaven or here on earth? I for one would rather store up treasures in heaven. I would rather choose to look for ways to impact someone with a helpful hand, a smile, a hug etc.

How many people can we impact today with our lives and attitudes.

You don’t have to be religious to impact someone!

Storing up treasures is an essential part to the minimalist lifestyle, yet our treasures are the time spent with family and friends, those quite moments of meditation, those opportunities to help others in need, those moments alone speaking with God, reading something positive and taking steps towards a better you.

When your mindset begins to change and your focus is on the most important things in life other than material possessions I guarantee you will see a difference in your life. Don’t get caught up with trying to store up material possessions around you, don’t let the lie of commercialism entrap you to the point where you are so bogged down with so much material things that you forget to focus on what’s more important in life.

Stay Blessed!

minimalistSOULS © 2017
Image Credit: HERE


  1. I totally agree! God created us to share meaningful relationships with other people…..not with material things. They are an endless search happiness that never satisfies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. minimalistsouls · · Reply

      I’m with you on that…


  2. This is beautiful – I don’t follow any religion, but I do find a lot of beauty within the scriptures of various religions. I am, however, a firm believer that there must be something more for us after we pass, and I feel this quote really summarises a lot of feelings I’ve been having lately.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that is so amazing to hear. 🙂 thank you for that.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. minimalistsouls · · Reply

      @minimollism there is a lot we can learn from various people of various walks of life and faith. Much blessings to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Heaven is definitely a better place to store things than a storage unit!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. […] the writer of the above (whom I shall call ‘Fido‘) and I could get together we might help each other gain […]

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  5. Thank you for following my blog. I hope you will gain pleasure from the mix of photography and history, ancient and modern. I admire your principles – we would certainly benefit from pruning, simplification of our lives.”Built-in obsolescence” is such a waste of resources in having to replace things that shouldn’t have to be replaced. Or is it a means of keeping people gainfully employed? So hard to get off the treadmill! Des.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am working on being a minimalist. This year we adults did not give gifts, only the kids received gifts or the older kids received money. I do not want anymore “stuff”, no more tangible items. In the past few years of christmas, I have asked only for consumable items, like hand cream, or soap, etc because I do not want things!!! I feel we all have enough stuff…. the thing is to come together, to be together, and if we are not able to be together, to at least call and have some fantastic conversations!!! Feel the person’s energy thru the phone! And on that note, have an awesome New Years everyone!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. minimalistsouls · · Reply

      That is so wonderful to hear! truly when we begin consider theses things more deeply we will find the true purpose of our being here on earth. I wish you the best! don’t give up, you can do this! Blessings to you

      Liked by 1 person

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